Leaders for tomorrow
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Talentor Czech Republic

...is a human resources consulting firm that clients and jobseekers will want to work with.
We understand your needs

A competent partner in Recruiting

What do we pride ourselves on? We are a team of seasoned professionals with experience in Executive Search, HR Consulting, Internal HR and other areas. Our aim is to provide the highest quality recruitment and search services.

At Talentor we believe that a company's success is a reflection of its people. That's why we focus on understanding the way your business works, your needs and your goals to find candidates who not only have the skills you need, but also the perfect fit for your company culture.

Our services are not limited to recruitment, recruitment optimisation and outsourcing. We also have extensive experience in Human Resource Management Consulting or Payroll Outsourcing. Whether you are a small start-up or an established company, we will always provide you with a service tailored to your individual needs.

Need help recruiting abroad? Our network extends well beyond the borders of the Czech Republic, allowing us to provide our services virtually anywhere. Our expertise and international approach sets us apart from our competitors and allows us to be your trusted recruitment partner.

Meet us

Management and Business Development

TP photo

Tomáš Prajzler

Managing Partner
Emp cz barbara hansen cechova

Barbara Hansen

Emp Cz Anna Černá

Anna Černá

Operations Manager
Zuzana Massabo

Zuzana Massabo

Senior Consultant
Emp cz jan ruzicka

Jan Růžička

Senior IT Consultant / Business Development
Meet our team

Executive search, RPO & HR Consulting

Emp Cz Petra Sýkorová

Petra Sýkorová

Head of Research
Emp Cz Radim Kycerka

Radim Kyčerka

Branch Manager Ostrava
Talentor CZ Team Johana Damkova

Johana Damkova

Lenka Majorová Team Talentor Czech Republic

Lenka Majorová

Senior Consultant
Emp Cz Lenka Juříková

Lenka Juříková

Alena Chrtková Team Talentor Czech Republic

Alena Chrtková

Research Associate
Ondřej Vokulič Team Talentor Czech Republic

Ondřej Vokulič

Research Associate
Emp Cz Eva Korinkova

Eva Kořínková

Payroll Manager
Meet our team

IT recruitment specialists

Emp Cz Jakub Studenovský

Jakub Studenovský

IT Recruitment Consultant
Emp Cz Zuzana Kussova

Zuzana Kuššová

Senior Consultant IT
Partners - external

Our company cooperates with independent experts who provide their services on the basis of business cooperation.

Monika Remez

Monika Remez

Senior IT Consultant / Key Account Manager
Monika Sedlackova Team Talentor Czech Republic

Monika Sedláčková

Senior Consultant
Tomas Horvath New Photo 503a

Tomáš Horváth

Senior IT Consultant
Emp cz simona melichova

Simona Melichová

IT Researcher
Zuzana Becherová

Zuzana Becherová

IT Researcher
Looking for recruitment support?
We can help to find the right match for your company!
Banner Web About US CZ 20 Anniversary